This Copyright Policy is for the tap tap website and its services. The website operator, control copyright violation issues and how you can report a complaint if you believe your copyright has been violated. Just provide us with details about your copyrighted material, where you found it on our site, and proof of your ownership. We are committed to addressing copyright worries and ensuring a fair and respectful online environment.

Taking care of personal property is really important to us. We believe the same from our users and their authorized senates. We quickly respond to clear notifications of supposed copyright violation that follows the rules of the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998. You can read the complete text details of the DMCA on the U.S. Copyright Office website. Our goal is to maintain a platform that respects creative rights and bring up a positive online space for everyone. If anyone thinks their copyright is being violated, they can inform us.

Before you send us a copyright complaint, think about whether the use might be careful fair use. Fair use means that in some case, it is okay to use small parts of copyrighted material without asking for permission or paying the copyright owner. If you are bearing in mind making a complaint, make sure the use does not fall in fair use first. It is a way to balance using copyrighted material for specific purposes without invading on the rights of the copyright owners.

If you are not sure whether the material you want to report is really breaking any rules. It might be a good idea to talk to a lawyer before telling us about it. We want to make sure you are making the right demand, so feel free to consult with a lawyer if you have any worries before sanding a notification with us. It is all about making sure things are clear and fair for everyone involved.

The DMCA says you need to give your personal information when reporting copyright violation. If you are worried about your privacy. You can hire someone, like an owner, to report the invading material for you. It is a way to keep your information more private if that is a worry for you.